Monday, February 15, 2010

Naples Makeup Artist Reveals Truth About Skin: Does Diet help?

As most of you probably know, many expert dermatologists say that diet and nutrition have absolutely NOTHING to do with your skin! I can't tell you how many dermatologists I've visited that told me if I eat fast food, chocolate and cookies every day my skin will remain the same. I knew there was something wrong with this so went on to do some research on the subject.
One of my all time favorite books on skin is Dr. Perricone's clear skin prescription and Perricone prescription. These books talk about diet and acne, wrinkles, rosacea, etc. He explains that the experiments & studies conducted with diet and skin are completely flawed and every dermatological school in the country is based off of misinformation about diet. There are foods that inflame the skin, and non-inflammatory foods that you should eat. Mostly the diet consists of many fruits, veggies, fish, eggs, and different seeds & spices that help skin. Not only will this diet calm redness, it will also help prevent against aging. Certain supplements should be taken as well. Go to any GNC and talk about the Perricone diet and they will point out anti-oxidant supplements for you.
As a Naples makeup artist I care deeply about my clients and people who read my blog. I do extensive research to support all of my findings and go off of personal experience. After the three day cleanse diet that Dr. Perricone mentions, you will feel and look much healthier. Look online for the Perricone three day program. Email me how this worked for you, I'd love to hear about your experience!

Naples Makeup Artist
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