One of the most amazing products that everyone is talking about is Latisse. Latisse is a product (available through your doctor or plastic surgeon) that grows length and thickens your lashes! As a Naples makeup artist I am aware of all the new and hip products on the market, and my clients trust me to give them a true testimony.
Latisse is an AMAZING product that does work! I have many friends/clients that tried it, loved it and continue to use it. However, Latisse can be expensive for the average consumer and has an interesting side effect: dying your lids a shade of gray. Will this happen to everyone? Of course not! But, it's something to consider. A Naples makeup artist should know about every product that WORKS, regardless of price and hype.
A GREAT alternative to expensive lash growers is LANCOME's brand NEW vibrating primer. Technically it's not "meant" to grow your lashes, but the primer contains all of the ingredients (in smaller doses) that grows and thicken lashes. After using this primer I have discovered longer lashes on their own, not just from wearing mascara! Although, if you do partner this with mascara your lashes will look much longer instantly!
Try it! Ask your local makeup artist or email me and I'd be happy to answer any questions about this product, any makeup or skin care!
Naples Makeup Artist
follow me on twitter for more great tips! - http://twitter.com/pro_makeup_jess
If you wish to book me (preferably 2 weeks in advance) email me at: jpb995@msn.com
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